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Annual Meeting Poster Awards

The top scoring abstracts are eligible to be considered for a poster award at each annual meeting. Poster awards are coordinated by the past Research Review Chair and AAHB members serve as judges. Posters are judged based on scientific content, the visual effectiveness of the poster, and the presentation by the presenter. There are two categories for poster awards- student and non-student professional. One Outstanding Poster Award is given per category and multiple Poster of Distinctions Awards may be given.

2024 Poster Awards

Research Review Chair:

Alyssa Robillard, PhD


Jon Agley Elaine Borawski Mariam Forster Elbert Glover
Randolph Hubach Andrew Kaczynski Sarah Maness Rahma Mkuu
Roy Oman Anna Price Drew Pickett Tyler Prochnow
Alex Russell Mary Steinhardt Steven Sussman  Erika Thompson 
Su-Wei Wong      

Abstract Reviewers:

Jon Agley   Wura Jacobs   Rahma Mkuu   Michael Rovito
James Annesi   Andrew Kaczynski   Annie Nguyen   Alex Russell 
Elaine Borawski   Scott Leatherdale   Roy Oman  Ledric Sherman 
Paul Branscum   Hsien-Chang Lin      Chris Owens   Matthew Smith 
Myriam Forster   Ana Lindsay   Anna Price  Mary Steinhardt
Annalynn Galvin   John Lowe  Drew Pickett   Steven Sussman
Elbert Glover   Jon Macy   Tyler Prochnow   Erika Thompson
Mary Greaney   Sarah Maness      Jessica Rath   Danny Valdez
Christine Hackman   Philip Massey   Lorraine Reitzel   Ken Ward
Katie Heinrich   Justin McDaniel   Chris Robbins   Daphne Watkins
Daphne Hernandez   Ashley Merianos   Christopher Rogers   Su-Wei Wong
Randolph Hubach   Ray Merrill   Matthew Rossheim   Keith Zullig

Outstanding Research Poster

Andrew C. Pickett
Valdez, Danny; Sinclair, Kelsey, L; Longanathar, Priya; Linden, Anna; Boutillier, Justin; Elliott, Christian; Zuraw, Matthew; Werner, Nicole, E
“’Not sure why I’m writing all this… Just to organize my thoughts I guess.’: Exploratory Topic Modeling and User Engagement with a Digital Journaling Tool for Caregivers of People Living with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (AD/ADRD)”

Poster of Distinction

Annalynn M. Galvin
Unegbu, Crystal; Barr, Emily; Santa Maria, Diane M
“Perceived HIV-Related Health Informa on Needs, Behaviors, and Outcomes for Youth Experiencing Homelessness at Risk for HIV: A Qualitative Study”

Outstanding Research Poster: Student

Andrew S. Davis 
Tyers, Francis, M; Valdez, Danny; Parker, Maria
“Leveraging Data Mining to Map Opioid Discourse on ‘X’, Formerly Twitter: Insights into Regional Drug Use Preferences, Communication Style , and Content Modera on Challenges”

Student Poster of Distinction: Student

Lauren Cebulske
Saba, Victoria; McLaurin, Natalie; Wang, Tianyu; Welsh, Ashley; Montero-Zamora, Pablo; Tanaka, Hirofumi; Steinhardt, Mary
“The Mediating Role of Emotional Dysregulation on the Association Between Diabetes Distress and Depressive Symptoms in African-American Adults with Type 2 Diabetes”

Previous Years


Research Review Chair: Matthew Rossheim, PhD


Angela Chow

Katie Heinrich

Wura Jacobs

Wenhua Lu

Philip Massey

Justin McDaniel

Robert J. McDermott

Meg Patterson

Drew Pickett

Jessica Rath

Erika Thompson

Danny Valdez

Outstanding Research Poster

Junye Ma
“Sexual racism on geosocial networking applications and perceived social support among sexual minority men in the U.S.”

Poster of Distinction

Laura Schwab Reese
“Using a text and chat hotline to provide maltreatment-related support”

Outstanding Student Poster

Danny Valdez
“Social media noise drowns out official and responsible health messaging: Deep-learning insights from a collection of tweets related to the global monkeypox outbreak"

Student Poster of Distinction

Ty A. Robinson
“Internalized Homonegativity and Somatic Anxiety Distinguish Former from Current Cigarette Smokers and may Represent Cessation Targets for Intervention in LGB Communities”



Research Review Chair: Megan Patterson, PhD, MPH


Sarah Griffin

Wenhua Lu

Annie Nguyen

Matthew Rossheim

Wura Jacobs

Sarah Maness

Roy Oman

Alex Russell

Andrew Kaczynski

Philip Massey

Meg Patterson

Steven Sussman

Hsien-Chang Lin

Ashley Merianos

Tyler Prochnow

Erika Thompson

Outstanding Research Poster

Marilyn Wende
“Urban-rural disparities in childhood obesogenic environments in the United States: Application of differing rural definitions”

Poster of Distinction

Laura Schwab Reese
“Using a text and chat hotline to provide maltreatment-related support”

Outstanding Student Poster

Larisa Albers
“Adverse childhood experiences and adherence to COVID-19 health recommendations"

Student Poster of Distinction

Kerry Howard
“Prescribing Behaviors: Utility of Opioid Stewardship Program Interventions for Decreasing Opioid Use Without Compromising Patient Pain”



Thank you for the contribution of both the 2020 and 2021 Research Review Chairs, Judges, and Reviewers. Due to cancellation of the 2020 annual meeting, abstracts were presented at the 2021 meeting.

2021 Research Review Chair: Erika Thompson, PhD

2020 Research Review Chair: Philip Massey, PhD

2021 Judges

Xuewei Chen

Molly Greaney

Daphne Hernandez

Wura Jacobs

Wasantha Jayawardene

Hsien-Chang Lin

Wenhua Lu

Sarah Maness

Philip Massey

Ashley Merianos

Vinayak Nahar

Annie Nguyen

Ledric Sherman

Erika Thompson

Coralia Vazquez-Otero

2020 Judges

Adam Barry

Daphne Hernandez

Annie Nguyen

Yumary Ruiz

Elaine Borawski

Carolyn Johnson

Roy Oman

Brittany Schuler

Paul Branscum

Hsien-Chang Lin

Meg Patterson

Christina Sun

Shahnjayla Connors

Sarah Maness

Scott Rhodes

Erika Thompson

Sarah Griffin

E. Lisako McKyer

Matthew Rossheim

Mohammad Torabi

Katie Heinrich

Shana Walsh

Outstanding Research Poster

Matthew Lee Smith, PhD, MPH, CHES, FGSA, FAAHB
Assessing feelings of social isolation among community-dwelling older adults

Poster of Distinction

Mary Steinhardt, Ed.D., FAAHB
Campus Integration Moderates the Association Between Psychological Resilience and Anxiety Among Underrepresented College Students

Outstanding Student Poster

Tyler Prochnow
Online gaming network communication dynamics, depressive symptoms, and social support:
longitudinal network analysis

Student Poster of Distinction

Chase Bruckner
Whole Exome Sequencing for newborns: Pregnant Latina’s Viewpoints



Research Review Chair: Daphnie Hernandez, PhD


Elaine Borawski

Daphne Hernandez

Wenhua Lu

Annie Nguyen

Elbert Glover

Randy Hubach

Jay Maddock

Steve Sussman

Sarah Griffin

Carolyn Johnson

Lisako McKyer

Rick Zimmerman

Outstanding Research Poster

Dr. Hsien-Chang Lin
“The mediating role of internalizing and externalizing behaviors in the association between childhood neglect and suicidal behaviors”

Posters of Distinction

Dr. Phillip Massey
“One man’s fight to wipe HPV off the face of the planet- the power of personal narrative in online news"

Dr. Erika Thompson
“Are women willing to make the transition to primary HPV testing instead of pap testing?”

Outstanding Student Poster

Yunyu Xiao
“Social network risks and multiple health behaviors among adolescents: The moderating role of future orientation”

Student Poster of Distinction

Gabriel Benevidez
“Examining the relationship between peripheral nerve impairment and depressive symptomology”



Research Review Chair: Annie Nguyen, PhD


Ruopeng An

Jason Daniel-Ulloa

Anna Greer

Daphne Hernandez

Hsien-Chang Lin

Wenhua Lu

Jay Maddock

Phillip Massey

Julie Merten

Roy Oman

Mary Steinhardt

Steve Sussman

Mohammad Torabi

Shana Walsh

Outstanding Research Poster

Yumary Ruiz, PhD, MPH
"Educational Challenges and Supportive Resources Associated with the Academic Success of Latino Children in Migrant Farmworker Families"

Poster of Distinction

Julia E. Painter, PhD, MPH
“Factors associated with disclosure of same-sex sexual behaviors to healthcare providers among men who have sex with men in Baltimore City”

Outstanding Student Poster

Leah Gagnon
"An egocentric network analysis assessing group exercise membership and holistic health benefits among a sample of university employees: A pilot study"

Student Poster of Distinction

Teresa McGeeney
"Military youth and prescription opioid abuse risk factors"



Research Review Chair: Abigail Gamble, PhD


Ruopeng An

Molly Greaney

Idethia Harvey

Carolyn Johnson

Adam Knowlden

Hsien-Chang Lin

Sarah Maness

Lisako McKyer

Annie Nguyen

Roy Oman

Jessica Rath

Mark Reed

Mary Steinhardt

Erik Walsh-Buhi

Kenneth Ward

Outstanding Research Poster

"Relationship between agricultural experiences and students' fruit and vegetable perceptions and consumption: formative research"
Authors: Dr. Anna Greer & Davis S, Sandolo C, Gaudet N, Castrogivanni B

Poster of Distinction

“Trends in Spatial Correlates of Fall-related Hospitalizations and Resource Allocation for Older Adults”
Authors: Samuel Towne, Jr. & Ory MG, Li Y, Quinn C, Howell DA, Smith ML

Outstanding Student Poster

“Effects of Chronic Disease Self-Management Program on Medication Adherence among Older Adults”
Authors: Shinduk Lee & Ory MG

Student Poster of Distinction

"Qualitative investigation of vaccine decision-making among mother-daughter dyads in an uninsured immigrant population"
Authors: Suyane Viana de O. Mesquita & Painter JE, Jimenez L, Silva AA, Petruszyn MA, Sutter CJ, Sutter R



Research Review Chair: Hsien-Chang Lin, PhD


Idethia Harvey

Annie Nguyen

Yuyan Shi

Carolyn Johnson

Katie Heinrich

Anna Greer

Adam Barry

Jen Nickelson

Jay Maddock

Phillip Massey

Outstanding Research Poster

"Adaptation of alcohol screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) for active duty military personnel in an emergency department: results of a formative research study"
Authors: Reed MB, Holt M, Woodruff SI, DeMers G, Matteucci M

Poster of Distinction

"Using the integrated behavioral model of prediction to predict parental monitoring of fruit and vegetable consumption among Hispanic mothers"
Authors: Branscum P, Lora K

Outstanding Student Poster

"Association between diabetes self-management with social support at different durations of diabetes."
Authors: Lee S, Towne SD, Ory MG

Student Poster of Distinction

"Participant adoption of an Ehealth group for tobacco cessation among people living with HIV: expanding possibilities in the digital age"
Authors: Turner D, Rivera A, Logan R, Sharma V, Shuter J, Marhefka S



Research Review Chair: Anna E. Greer


Adam Berry

Jennifer Cantrell

Elbert Glover

Carolyn Johnson

Adam Knowlden

Mark Reed

Matthew Lee Smith

Outstanding Research Poster

Diffusion of an evidence-based smoking cessation intervention through Facebook: A randomized controlled trial.
Authors: Amanda Graham, Megan Jacobs, Paul Wileyto, Jody Brookover, Nathan Cobb

Posters of Distinction

Awareness of human papillomavirus (HPV) and HPV vaccination among college men.
Authors: Adam Knowlden, Hannah Priest

The relationship between girls' pubertal; timing and peers' risk behaviors in adolescence.
Authors: Emily Hendrick, MPH and Jessica Cance

Outstanding Student Poster

The relationship between girls' pubertal; timing and peers' risk behaviors in adolescence.
Authors: Emily Hendrick, MPH and Jessica Cance



Research Review Chair: Anna E. Greer


Elbert Glover

I. Shevon Harvey

Kaigang Li

Mark Reed

Peter Wang

Alternate Judges:

Lorraine Reitzel

Mary Steinhardt

Outstanding Research Poster

Are Disabled Older Adults Living in More Cohesive Communities more Likely to Receive Help with Mobility Needs?
Authors: Annie L. Nguyen and D. B. Mukamel

Posters of Distinction

Cigarette Brand Switching among Adult Smokers in the U.S.
Authors: Michael K. Cummings, M.E. Cornelius, G. Fong, P. Driezen, D. Hammond, A. Hyland, M. Bansal-Travers, and Frank J. Chaloupka

Tobacco Retail Outlet Advertising Practices and Proximity to Schools, Parks and Public Housing Affect Synar Underage Sales Violations in Washington, D.C.
Authors: Thomas Kirchner, A.C. Villanti, Jennifer M. Cantrell, A.A. Ansetti-Rothermel, O.T. Ganz, K.P. Conway, V.M. Vallone, and David B. Abrams

The Use of Crowdsourcing for Photo Data Collection in Tobacco Point-of-Sale Surveillance Research
Authors: Vinu Ilakkauven, M. Tacelosky, Jennifer Cantrell, Thomas R. Kirchner, and D. Vallone

Outstanding Student Poster

The Daily Show and Youth-Targeted Alcohol Advertising: An Analysis of Marketing Appeals
Authors: Alisa A. Padon, R. N. Rimal, L. C. Coleclogh, and D. J. Jernigan



Research Abstract Chair: Katie M. Heinrich

Tech Demo Abstract Chair: Eric Buhi


Mary Greany

Jeff Hallam

Katy Heinrich

Mark Reed

Lisa Benz Scott

Mary Steinhardt

Outstanding Research Poster

Trends in Substance Use Among 6th-10th Grade Students from 1998 to 2010: Findings from a National Probability Study
Authors: Ashley Brooks-Russell, Tilda Farhat, Denise Haynie, and Bruce Simons-Morton

Outstanding Student Poster

Positive Emotions Build Personal Resources and Reduce Depressive Symptoms in Military Spouses: A Prospective Study
Authors: Kathryn E. Faulk, Mary A. Steinhardt, and Jessica D. Cance



Abstract Chair: Mary A. Steinhardt


Mary Greaney

Jeff Hallam

Mark Reed

Lisa Benz Scott

Katie Heinrich

Outstanding Research Poster

Impact of Audio-Enhancement and Electronic Format on Adolescent Survey Responses: A Comparative Study
Authors: Erika Trapl, Elaine Borawski, Natalie Colabianchi, David Litaker, and H. Gerry Taylor

Posters of Distinction

Evaluation of a Secondary Prevention Training Program on Disordered Eating
Authors: Rita D. DeBate, Deborah Cragun, Ashley Gallentine, Herb Severson, Carley Cantwell, Steve Christiansen, Anne Koerber, Scott Tomar, Kelli McCormack Brown, and William Hendricson

Experimental Study of Graphic Warning Labels Over Time Examined by Race/Ethnicity and Education Status
Authors: Jennifer Cantrell, Rebekah H. Nagler, K. Viswanath, Becky Rubenstein, and Donna Vallone

Normal Cholesterol Levels Associated with Unhealthy Dietary Behaviors and Higher Mortality Rates
Authors: Rodney G. Bowden, Paul La Bounty, Brian A. Shelmadine, A. Alexander Beaujean, Ronald L. Wilson, and Stuart Hebert

Physical Activity Availability, Access, and Transportation among Mexican-origin Women in Texas Border Colonias
Authors: M. Renee Umstattd Meyer, Cindy L. Salazar, Megan S. Patterson, and Joseph R. Sharkey

Outstanding Student Poster

Successful Aging and Social Engagement Among Asian Elders Authors: Annie L. Nguyen and David W. Seal

Student Poster of Distinction

Depressive Symptoms Among US Military Spouses During Deployment: The Protective Effect of Positive Emotions Authors: Kathryn E. Faulk, Christian T. Gloria, Mary A. Steinhardt, and Jessica Duncan Cance


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