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Health Behavior Research (HBR)
The Official Journal of AAHB

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Published four-times per year, HBR is a peer-reviewed, open-access scholarly journal that publishes original research articles, research briefs, current issues papers, commentaries, and abstracts from the annual meeting of the Academy.


Health Behavior Research is dedicated to the translation of research to advance policy, program planning, and/or practice relevant to behavior change. The aim of the journal is to advance the science of health behavior research. Particular emphasis is placed on papers that address new and emerging concepts and theory used in health behavior research, conceptual frameworks, methods, and analysis.

This journal is the product of the hard work of many of our members. We hope that the papers in this journal will help us to advance the field with strong empirical articles and insightful theoretical pieces.

Visit the Health Behavior Research (HBR) Journal website to access the issues and to submit manuscripts.


Paul BranscumPaul Branscum, PhD, RD, FAAHB, FSBM serves as Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of Health Behavior Research (HBR). Dr. Branscum was selected after a rigorous review of his application materials as a talented and well-qualified candidate. His scholarly achievements, experience in research and publications and long-standing service to AAHB support his forthcoming work as EIC of HBR.

Dr. Branscum is currently a Professor of Public Health in the Department of Kinesiology, Nutrition and Health at Miami University, where he also serves as the Program Leader of the Health Promotion and Education program. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed research articles and has given over 90 presentations at international and national meetings. In 2019 he was awarded Fellow status by AAHB, and in 2021was awarded Fellow status by the Society of Behavioral Medicine. Dr. Branscum has attended AAHB Annual Scientific Meetings since 2010, and officially joined AAHB in 2012. He currently serves as a Member Delegate and member of the Board of Directors.

Associate Editor

Paul BranscumDr. Kenneth Ward is the Associate Editor of HBR. Dr. Ward was selected after a rigorous search of well-qualified candidates. Dr. Ward will assist with all responsibilities for the journal and will actively create new ways to promote the journal in and outside of AAHB.

Dr. Ward is currently a Professor and the Assistant Dean of Faculty Affairs at the University of New Mexico College of Population Health. He has published more than 150 peer-reviewed research articles and has given over 200 presentations at international and national meetings. In 2017 he was awarded Research Laureate by AAHB, which is the highest award bestowed by the Academy for significant and inveterate contributions to the health education and health promotion field. Dr. Ward has attended AAHB Annual Scientific Meetings since 2003, officially joined AAHB in 2004, and became a Fellow in 2007. He served as Conference Chair for the 2009 scientific meeting in Hilton Head, SC.

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