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Fellows Class of 2023

Ruopeng AnRuopeng An, PhD, FAAHB
Washington University in St. Louis

Ruopeng An is an Associate Professor at Brown School and Division of Computational and Data Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis. He conducts research to assess population-level policies, local food and built environment, and socioeconomic determinants that affect individuals’ dietary behavior, physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, and adiposity in children, adults of all ages, and people with disabilities. His research aims to develop a well-rounded knowledge base and policy recommendations that can inform decision-making and the allocation of resources to combat obesity.

An’s research has been funded by federal agencies and public/private organizations (e.g., OpenAI, Abbott, Amgen). He has wide teaching and methodological expertise, including applied artificial intelligence (machine and deep learning), quantitative policy analysis (causal inference, cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis, and microsimulation), applied econometrics and regression analysis, and systematic review and meta-analysis. He founded and chairs the Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics for Public Health (AIBDA) Certificate program and hosts the “Artificial Intelligence in the Social Sciences” Open Classroom series. He has repeatedly been recognized for teaching excellence, receiving student evaluations in the top 10% of University faculty.

With over 200 peer-reviewed journal publications, Dr. An is recognized as one of Elsevier’s top 2% most cited scientists. His work has been highlighted by media outlets such as TIME, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Reuters, USA Today, Bloomberg, Forbes, Atlantic, Guardian, FOX, NPR, and CNN. He serves on research grants and expert panels for NIH, CDC, NSF, HHS, USDA, and the French National Research Agency. He is a Fellow of the American College of Epidemiology.

Karen LillerKaren D. Liller, PhD, CPH, FAAAS, FAAHB
University of South Florida College of Public Health

Distinguished University Health Professor, Director of the Activist Lab, and Strategic Lead for Policy, Practice and Leadership in the University of South Florida (USF) College of Public Health

Dr. Karen Liller is presently a full tenured professor in the College of Public Health specializing in public health and injury prevention. Dr. Liller holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in medical technology, technical education, and education (curriculum and instruction with a focus area of public health). Dr. Liller has held numerous administrative positions including Associate Dean for Academics and Student Affairs in the College of Public Health and Dean of the USF Graduate School and Associate Vice President for Research and Innovation. She presently is Strategic Lead for Policy, Practice, and Leadership in the College of Public Health and Founder and Director of the Activist Lab.

Dr. Liller's teaching, research, and service activities focus on public health and the prevention and control of child and adolescent injuries. She has been the recipient of several awards/honors such as being named a Distinguished University Health Professor, received the first State of Florida Injury Prevention Award, the Tampa Bay Business Healthcare Hero Award and was named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and recently a Fellow of the American Academy of Health Behavior. She also has received certification in public health (CPH). Dr. Liller has received millions of dollars in national and state grants related to injury prevention.

Dr. Liller has published extensively in top peer-reviewed publications and was named one of the top 15 national women scholars in health education and health promotion. She is the editor of the injury text, "Injury Prevention for Children and Adolescents: Research, Practice, and Advocacy," and co-lead editor for the “Certified in Public Health Exam Review Guide” both published by the American Public Health Association. She is a member of several public health and injury prevention professional associations and societies and serves on several prestigious advisory boards focused on injury prevention.

MasseyFellow.jpgPhilip M. Massey, PhD, MPH, FAAHB
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health

Dr. Philip M. Massey, PhD, MPH, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. His health communication scholarship focuses on media and technology in the U.S. and globally, on topics ranging from social media, vaccine communication, health literacy, entertainment education, and ethics in social media research.

He has examined patterns and shifts in public opinion toward HPV vaccination on Twitter and Instagram, focusing on what types of messages are shared and how content is related to reach and impact. He has also developed and tested cancer prevention messages on social media to engage parents about the HPV vaccine, leveraging the power of narrative engagement and storytelling, and more recently extended this work to alcohol recovery. His global health work has examined the impact of media effects on health knowledge and attitudes, specifically related to storytelling and narrative engagement among a West African population, utilizing digital and social media. In addition, he has contributed to characterizing and addressing misinformation on the internet and social media, demonstrating the importance of identifying various dimensions of misinformation that can lead to tailored interventions.

A native of North Carolina, Dr. Massey enjoys road trips with his wife and three daughters, exploring nature, playing and watching sports, and eating plenty of great food.

Jessica M RathJessica M. Rath, PhD, MPH, CHES, FAAHB
Truth Initiative

Dr. Jessica Rath is Vice President at Truth Initiative, America’s largest nonprofit public health organization committed to making tobacco use and nicotine addiction a thing of the past. As a social and behavioral scientist, she is responsible for leading the formative research and impact evaluation of the truth campaign. In addition to campaign evaluation, she directs the tobacco free screens portfolio with the goal of no tobacco images on youth appealing screens. She has co-authored numerous peer-reviewed publications focused on the campaign’s effects, measures and metrics for formative evaluation, tobacco free screens, predictors of health behavior and patterns of tobacco use over time in young people.

Dr. Rath’s academic and professional career has been focused on health issues affecting adolescents and young adults. She holds adjunct faculty positions at both the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the University of Maryland School of Public Health. Her work has been well recognized as evidenced by invited lectures, representation at White House, Office of the Attorneys General and The World Health Organization meetings, Advertising Research Foundation’s Ogilvy Awards, Effie Awards and as a panel expert of the tobacco free screens impact series.

Dr. Rath is a full member of AAHB and has been active in her service to the Academy including more than 6 years as the elected treasurer.

Dr. Rath is a certified health education specialist and has a doctorate from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and a master’s degree from the Emory University Rollins School of Public Health.

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