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2025 Scientific Meeting - Agenda

Note: Meeting agenda is subject to change. We will keep updating it.

Printable meeting agenda will be available for download soon.

Conference Theme:
Bridging the Gap: Advancing Health Behavior Research through Implementation Science

Sunday, March 16

Location: Mission Foyer
Meeting Registration
Location: Regatta Pavilion
Poster Setup
Presenters are encouraged to set up posters prior to the poster session.
Location: Mission Ballroom
Opening Session

President’s Welcome Address (7 min)
Dr. Julie M. Croff, President

Introduction of Research Scholars & Mentorship Program (RSMP) (7 min)
Host: Dr. Matthew Lee Smith

Meeting of the Membership (55 min)
Recognitions of:
- Membership Milestone
- Lifetime Members
- 2024 Fellows
- Research Scholars & Mentorship Program (RSMP) Pairs
- 2024 Research Article of the Year Award, Health Behavior Research Journal
Dr. Julie M. Croff, President & Board of Directors, AAHB

2025 Mentorship Award Recognition (5 min)
Recipient: Dr. Shevon Harvey

2025 Research Laureate Presentation (35 min)
Recipient: Dr. Adam Leventhal

2025 Conference Overview (5 min)
Dr. Randolph Hubach, Conference Planning Chair

Location: Regatta Pavilion
Poster Session 1
Sunday poster setup starts at noon. Presenters are encouraged to set up posters prior to the session.

Monday, March 17

Location: Mission Foyer
Meeting Registration
Location: Regatta Pavilion
Poster Setup
Presenters are encouraged to set up posters prior to the poster session.
Location: Regatta Pavilion
Breakfast Roundtables
Breakfast will be served from 7:30am
  • Table 1: Health Behavior Research (Host: Dr. Paul Branscum)
  • Table 2: Early Career Faculty (Hosts: Drs. Shevon Harvey & Ruopeng An)
  • Table 3: Getting Your Research Funded (Host: Dr. Randolph Hubach)
  • Table 4: First Time Conference Attendee (Host: Dr. Meg Patterson)
  • Table 5: Doctoral Students Preparing for Academia/Industry (Host: Dr. Yumary Ruiz)
  • Table 6: Research Exchange
  • Tables 7 & 8: Quiet Table
Location: Mission Ballroom
Introduction of Conference Theme and Overview of Invited Presentations
Dr. Julie M. Croff, President
Location: Mission Ballroom
Speaker Session 1: Optimizing fit of your interventions and implementation strategies: documenting and integrating adaptations across the life cycle of your program (35 min talk + 5 min discussion)
Moderator: Dr. Julie Croff
Speaker: Dr. Borsika Rabin
Location: Mission Ballroom
Speaker Session 2: Innovations in Implementation Science: Beginning with the End in Mind
Moderator: Dr. Danny Valdez

Leveraging implementation science to advance maternal and child health (MCH) research and practice
Speaker: Dr. Cheryl Vamos

Co-Design for implementation across the patient and care partner journey
Speaker: Dr. Nicole Werner

Speaker Session 2 Q&A and Discussion
10:40am-10:50am Break
Location: Mission Ballroom
Speaker Session 3: Pragmatic Strategies for Sustained Implementation
Moderator: Dr. Philip Massey

Advancing the science of sustainability in the field of implementation science
Speaker: Dr. Rachel Shelton

Breaking the cycle: Rethinking multilevel strategies for sustaining collaborative care models
Speaker: Nathalie Moise
12:10pm-12:20pm Break
Location: Mission Ballroom
Free Professional Development Workshop: Women & Leadership


  • Dr. Cheryl A.M. Anderson, Dean of the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science, UC San Diego
  • Dr. Sharrel Pinto, Dean of the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Belmont University
  • Dr. Roxane Cohen Silver, Vice Provost of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning, and Distinguished Professor in the Department of Psychological Science, the Department of Medicine, and the Joe C. Wen School of Population and Public Health, University of California, Irvine
Location: Regatta Pavilion
Poster Session 2
Monday poster setup starts at 7:30am. Presenters are encouraged to set up posters prior to the poster session.
Location shared via email
Unplug Event: Kayaking
Additional fees for kayak rental, advanced registration required
Host: The Phoenix
Location: Crown Point
Meeting of the Past Presidents (By Invitation Only)
Location: Banyan Courtyard
Donor’s Reception (By Invitation Only)

Tuesday, March 18

Location: Mission Foyer
Meeting Registration
Location: Regatta Pavilion
Breakfast Networking
Breakfast will be served from 7:30am
Location: Regatta Pavilion
Poster Setup
Presenters are encouraged to set up posters prior to the poster session.
Location: Mission Ballroom
Speaker Session 4: Community Engaged Panel
Moderator: Dr. Borsika Rabin

- Dr. Nicole Howard
- Ms. Linda Salgin
- Dr. Paul Watson

Speaker Session 4 Q&A and Discussion
10:30am-10:45am Break
Location: Mission Ballroom
Speaker Session 5: Implementing evidence-based HIV, STI, and HPV strategies
Moderator: Dr. Randolph Hubach

Improving equitable implementation of evidence-based HIV/STI prevention among sexual and gender minoritized populations
Speaker: Dr. Steven John

Implementing evidence-based HPV vaccination strategies: uniting health behavior and implementation science to make a real-world impact
Speaker: Dr. Stephanie Staras

Speaker Session 5 Q&A and Discussion
12:00pm-12:15pm Break
Location: Mission Ballroom
Free Professional Development Workshop: Advice and support during early career milestones: The first six years as an academic
Speakers: Drs. Hsien-Chang Lin; Mary Steinhardt; Philip Massey
Location: Regatta Pavilion
Poster Session 3
Tuesday poster setup starts from 7:30am. Presenters are encouraged to set up posters prior to the poster session.
Location TBD
Unplug Event: Mindful Mobility
Host: The Phoenix
Location: Crown Point
Health Behavior Research Editorial Board Meeting (By Invitation Only)

Wednesday, March 19

7:30am-8:15am Breakfast on your Own
Location: Mission Ballroom
3-Minute Thesis Competition
Host: Dr. Randolph Hubach
Location: Mission Ballroom
Research Lightning Talks
Host: Dr. Sarah Maness, Research Review Chair
Location: Mission Ballroom
Research Scholars & Mentorship Program (RSMP) Presentations
Host: Dr. Matthew Smith
Location: Mission Ballroom
2025 Judy K Black Award Presentation
Recipient: Dr. Yunyu Xiao
Location: Mission Ballroom
Conference Awards (Poster Awards, 3-Minute Thesis Competition)
Hosts: Drs. Randolph Hubach and PDMC Representative
Location: Mission Ballroom
Concluding Remarks and Inauguration of the Incoming President
Drs. Julie Croff and Philip Massey, AAHB Presidents
12:00 noon Meeting Adjourns

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