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2025 Scientific Meeting - Poster Session 2

Monday, March 17, 2025
1:30pm - 3:30pm

Board # Authors Poster Title
201 Weisiyu Abraham Qin Nativity Matters: Social and Structural Drivers of Polytobacco Use Among U.S.- and Foreign-Born Black Young Adults
202 Lu, Yu; Lee, Jeong Kyu; Muiru, Sarah; Temple, Jeff R. Long-Term Marijuana Use and Mental Health: Evidence from 12 years of Data
203 Doherty, Emily, A; Breslin, Florence, J; Moyers, Susette, A; Crockett-Barbera, Erica, A; Appleseth, Hannah, S; Leffingwell, Quinn; Croff, Julie, M Prenatal substance exposure and early adolescent substance experimentation in ABCD
204 Alba Lopez, Leonardo; Seo, Dong-Chul; Satterfield, Naomi; Crabtree, Charlotte; Cochran, Nicki; Lee, Shin Hyung “There’s no real urgency when it comes to us”: Critical Discourse Analysis of Black Communities’ Lived Experience with Opioid Overdose Response in Indianapolis Area
205 Lee, Shieun; Seo, Dong-Chul Longitudinal Behavioral Transitions in Adolescent Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems Use: Markov Multistate Transition Model
206 Campbell, Kelsie, L; Torrence-Hil, Joi; Whitten, Karey, A; Abbud, Melissa; Beard, Trista, A; Querubin, Jynette; Stewart, Charis; Dobre, Mariana; Hughes Halbert, Chanita Enhancing Cancer Care: Assessing the Impact of a Navigation Tracking Tool on Cancer Care Delivery Metrics in Los Angeles
207 Richardson, Emily, M; Lovett, Kylie; Kwaku Akakpo, Victor; Dobbs, Page, D The State of Menstrual Health Education: A Content Analysis of US Education Standards
208 Valdez, Danny; Muralidharan, Rasika; Soto-Vasquez, Arthur D; Montenegro, Maria Contextualizing Breast Cancer Content on Facebook: Comparing English and Spanish Posts Using Deep Learning and Metadata Mining
209 Valdez, Danny; Davis, Andrew S; Heinrich, Katie M; Collinson, Beth Using Digital Footprints to Understand Recovery: Identifying Engagement Patterns in The Phoenix Mobile App
210 Park, Hye Jin; Seo, Dong Chul Longitudinal pathways and transition patterns of flavored tobacco products use among reproductive-aged women in the U.S.
211 Seo, Dong-Chul; Choe, Siyoung; Agley, Jon; Elam, Kit; Bidulescu, Aurelian Identifying predictors of multi-year cannabis vaping in U.S. young adults using machine learning
212 Richardson, Emily, M; Dobbs, Page, D Teachers versus Parents: A Comparative Study of Attitudes, Beliefs, and Competency towards Menstrual Health Education
213 Farnaz Hesam Shariati; K. M. Thomas; S. H. Hallum; Andrew T. Kaczynski Examining the relationship between social vulnerability and sidewalk access and walkability across a large Southeastern US city
214 Aguilar Avila, Giselle; Hamidzadeh, Olivia; Dahlman, Linn; Forster, Myriam; Orjiakor, Stephanie; Skropos, Katherine; Szostkowski, Nickolas; Silver, Steve; Rainisch, Bethany Coping Strategies and Depression Among Diverse College Students in Southern California
215 Appleseth, Hannah, J; Leffingwell, Quinn, A; Crockett-Barbera, Erica; Doherty, Emily, A; Moyers, Susette, A; Croff, Julie, M Sociodemographic Disparities in Children's Environmental Exposure to Tobacco, E-cigarette, and Cannabis Aerosols: Findings from the ABCD Study
216 Clark, Heather, R; Myint, Wah, W; Mohd Rafiq, Alfiya Shaikh; Zemanek, Kim; Ward, Kayce; Mitchell, Stacey; Downing, Nancy Narrowing the Quality Service Gap Through Engaging Community Partners to Responding to the Needs of the Sexual Assault Survivors of Rural Texas
217 Akpan, Idara, N; Brosnan, Amanda; Johnson, Kaeli, C; Alkhatib, Sarah, A; Garza, Sophia, R; Neelamegam, Malinee; Griner, Stacey, B Exploring Determinants of Implementation for the Texas Prenatal Syphilis Screening Policy in Clinic Settings
218 Akpan, Idara, N; Wheldon, Christopher, W; Alkhatib, Sarah, A; Grace, Jessica; Daley, Ellen, M; Zimet, Gregory, D; Luningham, Justin, M; Engler, Jonathan; Thompson, Erika, L Examining Providers' and Stakeholders' Perspectives on a Patient Decision Aid Tool for Mid-Adult HPV Vaccination
219 Maddock, Jay E.; Janda-Thomte, Kathryn M.; Seguin-Fowler, Rebecca; Patterson, Megan S.; Beattie, Cassandra; Vigil, Jacqueline; Carter, Jason R.; Sturdivant, Rodney X.; Umstattd Meyer, M. Renée Community Design Preferences in a Sample of Interested Buyers of an Agrihood Community
220 Phipps, Jennifer, E; D'Souza, Indira; Satish, Nikita; Ketchersid, Audriana; Whipps, Mackenzie, D.M.; Van Noord, Megan; Ebong, Imo; Khemet Taiwo, Tanya; Sudhof, Leanna, S; Hedriana, Herman, L; Simmons, Leigh Ann Lessons from a systematic review of behavioral interventions to improve maternal outcomes for women at high risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes
221 Ramirez-Chavarria, Jennifer S.; Myint, Wah Wah; Bolin, Jane CHW Training on Cancer Survivorship: Findings from a Self-Paced 8-hour CEU Curriculum
222 Tran, Jennifer, T.; Brown, Lily, A.; Webster, Jessica; Burgesse, Tyler; Bauermeister, Jose, A. Implementation Outcomes of a Suicide Reduction Intervention for Sexual and Gender Minority Emerging Adults
223 Lee, Jeong Kyu; Lu, Yu; Park, Hyun Ah; Martin, Julie; Shin, YoungJu The Influence of Social Media Engagement with Vaping Content on Youth Vaping Behavior: Cross-Sectional Study
224 Lee, Jeong Kyu; Lu, Yu; Lin, Lavinia; Yu, Chi Ying, Meryl Pathways to Binge Drinking: A Mixed-Methods Study on the Role of Sensation Seeking and Drinking Motives
225 Park, Ji-Yeun Would CBD products reduce opioid misuse? Evidence from National U.S. Survey
226 Joseph-Williams, Elizabeth; Chalise, Mariya; Venkatasubramaniam, Priyadharshini; Mealing, Saylor; Ma, Ping Pregnancy Intention and Associated Maternal Preconception, Prenatal and Postpartum Behaviors, and Birth Outcomes
227 Hill, Linda Use of Real-Time Driver Alerts to Improve Commercial Motor Vehicle Work Zone Safety
228 Ma, Junye Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Care Engagement among Sexual Minority Men (SMM) in the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review
229 Heinrich, Katie M; Wyker, Brett; Collinson, Beth; Eddie, David; Best, David; Hillios, Jacquelyn How psychological safety is related to addiction recovery outcomes: Insights from The Phoenix, a sober-active community
230 Heinrich, Katie M; Collinson, Beth; Hillios, Jacqueline Beyond Peer Support: The Impact of Family, Friends, and Allies Volunteering in Addiction Recovery
231 Tillett, Kayla, K; Rossheim, Matthew, E; Julian, Maria, T; Gerndt, Elizabeth, M; LoParco, Cassidy, R; Balasundaram, Rohit, B; Acrey, Paul, M; Jarvis, Sydney, E; Chauhan, Nadeem; Berg, Carla, J Retail Availability and Price of Ready-to-Drink Alcohol Products, Fort Worth, Texas, 2024
232 Tillett, Kayla, K; LoParco, Cassidy R; Rossheim, Matthew, E; Chen-Sankey, Julia, C; Berg, Carla, J; Trangenstein, Pamela, J; Jernigan, David, H Cannabis Brands in Vape Shops: United States, 2023
233 Tillett, Kayla, K; Rossheim, Matthew, E; LoParco, Cassidy, R; Livingston, Melvin, D; Treffers, Ryan, D; Siegel, Michael; Jernigan, David, H Higher Alcohol-by-Volume Associated with Lower Price of Alcohol in Ready-to-Drink Products
234 Gregory, Kayleigh, A.; Hill, Madelyn, J.; Dzimbiri, Mastano; Merianos, Ashley, L Exploring Healthcare Professionals’ Views on Barriers to Access and Continuity of Perinatal Health Care: A Qualitative Study
235 Kearney, Matthew, D; Barg, Fran, K; Bhat, Amritha; Grover, Tess; Vredevoogd, Melinda; Bracy, Danny; Bennett, Ian, M A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Collaborative Care Success Factors in the Maternal Infant Dyad Implementation (MInD-I) Study
236 Loeliger, Kelsey, B.; Matticks, Zoe; Jain, Tanya; Begna, Hannah; Schwarz, Eleanor, B.; Shankar, Megha Training Needs and Evidence-Based Practices in Trauma-Informed Reproductive Healthcare
237 Kim, Lana, E; Dey, Annesha Assessment of Barriers to TB Service Delivery in Namayumba, Uganda
238 Lee, Shin Hyung; Seo, Dong-Chul Neighborhood influences Knowledge and Perceived Competency Around Opioid Overdose and Naloxone Administration in A Probability Sample of Indiana Urban Communities with Large Black Populations, 2023
239 Li, Ming; Anderson, Connie; Chen, Xuewei; Kreps, Gary Perspectives on Genetic Testing for Autism Spectrum Disorder among Autistic Adults: An Exploratory Qualitative Study Guided by the Health Belief Model
240 Wong, Su-Wei; Yang, Meng; Ou, Tzung-Shiang; Yuan, Jiaqi; Lin, Hsien-Chang Who are the female smokers? Association between occupational factors and smoking behavior among female workers in Taiwan
241 Yang, Meng; Wong, Su-Wei; Ou, Tzung-Shiang; Yuan, Jiaqi; Lin, Hsien-Chang The association between nicotine concentration in ENDS products and urinary cotinine level among U.S. adult ENDS users
242 Yang, Meng; Ou, Tzung-Shiang; Wong, Su-Wei; Yuan, Jiaqi; Lin, Hsien-Chang Association between ENDS characteristics and urinary cotinine level among U.S. youth who exclusively use ENDS
243 van der Spek, Linda; Breunis, Leonieke, J.; Bauld, Linda; Ista, Erwin; Scheffers-van Schayck, Tessa; Been, Jasper, V Financial Incentives for Smoking Cessation among (expectant) Parents: A Systematic Review of Facilitators and Barriers to Implementation
244 Lo, Wen-Juo; Leader, Amy; Chiang, Shawn; Murray, Regan, M; Klassen, Ann; Guan, Mengfei; Manganello, Jennifer; Massey, Philip, M Does message quality lead to an increase in HPV vaccination knowledge among parents? A mediation analysis
245 Lo, Wen-Juo; Turner, Ronna; Crawford, Brandon; Jozkowski, Kristen Exploring Extreme Responses: How Likert Scale Length Influences Attitudes Toward Abortion in Public Health Surveys
246 Guerra-Reyes, Lucia; Promei, Noor-E-Afroz Information Seeking and Advice Networks for Contraceptive Decision-Making Among College-aged Women in Peru
247 Luningham, Justin, M.; Maness, Sarah, B.; Wheldon, Christopher, W.; Akpan, Idara, N.; Alkhatib, Sarah, A.; Grace, Jessica; Thompson, Erika, L. Concordance between parents’ HPV vaccination intention for themselves and their children
248 Umstattd Meyer, M. Renée; Janda-Thomte, Kathryn, M.; Seguin-Fowler, Rebecca; Patterson, Megan, S.; Carter, Jason, R.; Vigil, Jacqueline; Beattie, Cassandra; Sturdivant, Rodney, X.; Maddock, Jay Demographics and Health Behaviors among Interested Buyers of an Agrihood Community
249 Ganesh, Nithila; Koirala, Alija; Welsh, Ashley; Wang, Tianyu; Saba, Victoria; McLaurin, Natalie; Tanaka, Hirofumi; Steinhardt, Mary The Role of Resilience on Diabetes-Related Health Outcomes in African American Adults
250 Crunk, Ian; McDaniel, Justin, T. Characterizing the Relationship between Moral Injury and Alcohol Use among Veterans: A Behavioral Economic Perspective
251 Woody, Meaghan A.; Angelo, Nina; Doocy, Lauren E.; Freeman, Aimee M.; Kreuger, Kurt; Landau, Asher; Mikuliak, Jalen; Possehl, Terresa; Ray, Arnali; Zhang, Angela; Wang, May C. Evaluating the Impact of a Food Recovery Program on Food Insecurity in Los Angeles County: A Systems Science Approach
252 Patterson, Megan S; Heinrich, Katie M.; Francis, Allison N.; Prochnow, Tyler; Valdez, Danny Building Bridges: The Role of Social Connections in Recovery from Substance Use Disorder within a Sober Active Community
253 Ji, Mengmeng; An, Ruopeng Use of Automated Machine Learning to Detect Undiagnosed Diabetes in U.S. Adults
254 Mi Zhou; Dean Schillinger The Effectiveness of Critical Communication in Promoting COVID-19 Vaccination Among Youth of Color
255 Kirk, Mia, R.; Johnson, Jessica, A.; Wagner, Karla, D. A mixed methods exploration of the barriers and facilitators of using harm reduction vending machines for people who use drugs in Nevada
256 Rojas, Mikaela, M; Becerra, Lizbeth; Zhang, Xiao; Kao, Rasmey; Collins, Stephanie; Rogers, Kim; Forster, Myriam The relationship between familial incarceration and unhealthy eating patterns among a diverse adolescent population
257 Mohammad Pritom, Gazi Sakir; Mehmood, Gahssan Facilitators and Barriers to Treatment Entry for Stimulant Use Disorder in Rural United States: A Scoping Review
258 Shafiq, Tanveer Khan Ibne; Mohammad Pritom, Gazi Sakir Service Provider Perceptions of Opioid Use Service in Midlands, South Carolina
259 Young, Michael; Alvarado, Rachel; Pineiro, Valerie; Gonzalez, Maria Pilot Testing of “Grow Together” an Interactive Curriculum for Immigrant and Refugee Youth
260 Price, Anna E; Driscoll, A Females disproportionately burdened by sexual harassment and assault at live music events in the US

Poster List Session 2 - download here (PDF).

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